Wednesday, 7 October 2009

history of UK

The second half of the 18th century to the first half of the 19th century to become the world's first industrial revolution in the country. 19th century British Empire is the peak, in 1914 the colonial possession of more than 111 times that of the local large, is the first colonial power, claiming to be "the sun does not set the Empire." After the First World War began to decline. Britain in 1920 set up the North County Ailan, and from 1921 to 1922 to allow Ireland in the south from its rule, the establishment of an independent country. Westminster bill enacted in 1931, was forced to admit its dominion in the internal affairs and foreign policy of independence, the British Empire from the colonial system shaken. World War II greatly weaken the economic strength and political status of the decline. With the 1947 India and Pakistan's independence one after another, until age 60, of the British Empire collapse of the colonial system. January 1973 accession to the European Community.

1 comment:

  1. Hi,

    You were asked to choose one period from history and write about a famous person or event, in your own words. Don't copy information from a website.
